Little Wren

Little Wren Therapy

'Set yourself free'

for an appointment call
07748 260091

What is the Bowen technique?

The Bowen Technique is a remedial, hands-on therapy which uses very gentle pressure. The unique set of rolling-type moves stimulate the soft tissues and nerve receptors of the body. Between each collection of moves there is a break where the therapist may stand back from the table or leave the room. This is to allow the body to respond to the moves which have just been performed. It can be applied through light clothing, and can also be done with the client sitting, lying or even standing.

It really is a therapy for all....from very tiny babies to those with many years under their belts!

The technique was developed by Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia. He started by working on racehorses and greyhounds before he became busy as a therapist working mainly on people. The story goes that he would help his family and friends with small and simple moves when they had aches and pains. It wasn't long before word spread and people were visiting him at home. When it got to the point that he was treating people late into the night, something had to give and he gave up his day job and started treating full time.

'Set yourself free'

Find us here,

Rejuven, 36 High St, Stokesley, Middlesbrough TS9 5DQ

For an appointment call,

Lucy on 07748 260091
or Rejuven on 01642 710145

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